What's a Bughcawe?
Hello World!
My name is Rebecca and the name “Bughcawe” was a nickname given to myself back circa. 2008 by some friends, it was derived from Becca and it sort of just… stuck.
In the years that followed as social media started to gain some traction – it ended up being my user name for all the things from Facebook to Instagram and it’s still my handle for most things today.
Back in 2017 I attended post secondary school for New Media Design and it was then used to create the original Bughcawe Designs concept which at the time I was hopeful would grow into my own web design and development business.
After I finished school, I fell into another career entirely and although I loved working digitally and have created several websites over the years (including this one!) – my full time career in early childhood education has been where my heart is.
While I didn’t turn my post secondary educational background into a full time career creating logos and designing and developing websites as I’d hoped – it does give me an edge in the custom apparel (and more) market. I love to create and seek to share that with the world at every opportunity. It’s part of the reason why I love being an early childhood educator so much!
Bughcawe Designs is now a small home based family business run by myself and my mom and sometimes with the help of my kids too.
I think humanizing is important in a digital age (and pandemic) where personal relationships are minimal. We’re in a world where people forget to connect, don’t disconnect from electronics, are rude to the people in the check out lane or passing by on the street just because.
I like to have a human aspect to my interactions, after all – you’ll be trusting us with your creations – why not get to know the people behind it? I’ve heard all sorts of stories and have had all sorts of precious memories shared with me over the years while creating for people – whether it was something I’ve crochet, painted or digitally designed for them.
I consider myself to be a Jack (or Jill) of all trades, master of none although I constantly strive to perfect the crafts and hobbies I do have. I’ve already shared a few, but some of the things I’ve dabbled in include crochet, painting, resin art, precious stone wire wrapping, metal stamping and digital design to name a few… are we sensing a theme yet?
All. The. Crafts. I love to create (probably got it from my Momma).
I am a daughter, mother (to 3 amazing small humans), friend, educator and crafter. I love animals, movies, bright colors and things that make me happy dance. I collect weird things and I have a special interest in neurodivergent minds and am LGBTQ+ friendly!
I am an honors graduate from a program for New Media Design. I competed in Skill Manitoba for post secondary Web Design & Development and placed Bronze in 2018.
Born, raised, living and working out of Winnipeg, MB.
We have a plethora of pets (some of which are rescues) and between my 3 kids, working in early childhood education and tending to the pets – life can get a little hectic as it is.
So of course I said to my self, “self – lets add more to that, like a home business because you don’t have enough going on”.
Totally logical.

(noun) /buh-caw/
- a name given to Rebecca circa. 2008, derived from Becca.
- a person who strives to be a good human being
- a person who desires to create
(see also: artist, dreamer, designer, daughter, mother, friend, educator)